Former CTP Scholar receives prestigious Paolucci book award

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On October 1, at a dinner in Philadelphia, ISI presentedBradley J. Birzerwith the 2016 Henry and Anne Paolucci Book Award forRussell Kirk: American Conservative.
A distinguished panel of judges chose this masterful biography from among five impressive finalists. TheWall Street Journalhails Birzer’sRussell Kirkas“abeautifully written and deeply insightful biography.”TheLibrary of Law and Libertyproclaims it nothing less than “amasterwork”—“the definitive assessment of Kirk as a social, historical, and political thinker.” Likewise, theClaremont Review of BookscallsRussell Kirk“the definitive book about this important, fascinating, and good man.”
PerhapsNational Reviewbest explained not only the quality but also the timeliness of Birzer’s magisterial work:
Given the confused and dispirited state of American conservatism at the present moment, it is high time for a Russell Kirk revival. The very thought of such a revival is appealing, even exhilarating, and the appearance of Bradley J. Birzer’s splendid and exhaustively researched biography of Kirk just might provide the catalyst needed to set it in motion.
At the Paolucci Award dinner,Birzer gave a stirring talk about what he learned during his extensive research into RussellKirk’s life and writings.
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