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Conservatives and Liberals in the Academy: Two Upcoming Events at CU this Week

CWCTP Events

A blog post from the 2016-7 Visiting Scholar in Conservative Thought and Policy, Prof. Francis Beckwith:

This week the Center of Western Civilization, Thought, and Policy(CWCTP)is. The first isatalk by, Professor of Sociology at the University of North Texas.He will bespeakingon “Conservatives in Academia: Is There Bias Against Them?” Professor Yancey is the author of several books on race, religion, and the academy. Among themare,(w/ Michael Emerson)Transcending Racial Barriers: Toward a Mutual Obligations Approach(Oxford University Press, 2010),, and.Professor Yancey’s talk will be held onSeptember 21, 2016 at 7:15 PMinEaton Humanities 150.

The next day CWCTP will be hosting apaneldiscussion,Moderated by CWCTP director,Robert Pasnau,the panel will featureProfessor Yancey,(Professorand Chair ofPolitical Science,University of Colorado,Colorado Springs) and(Professor and Chair of Political Science,University of Colorado, 91).Professor Dunn’s mostrecent book,, has been praisedbyas “the authoritative treatise, integrating all previous work in an accessible and fair-minded way, and adding in empathy - the rarely heard voices of conservative professors. All academics should read this book, as should anyone who wants to improve the scholarship, prestige, and public funding of the academy."The panel will be held onSeptember 22, 2016 at 4:00 PMin theBritish Studies Roomin the Norlin Library.

I hope that you will join us on Wednesday and Thursday for what I am sure will prove to be the sort of thought-provoking and conversation-starting events that are vital to the life of a university.

Francis Beckwith

Sept 19. 2016