New RiverWare Release, Version 9.3
We are excited to announce the latest release of RiverWare and RiverSMART, version 9.3.
Highlights of the release include:
- A new Settings Manager to centralize settings, including functionality for searching and filtering to find the desired setting.
- Support for multiple Multi-Windows and improved docking functionality within the Multi-Window.
- A new MRM Data Extractor Tool that pulls data out of models saved via Multiple Run Management.
- New Multiple Statistic analysis in the Ensemble Data Tool (EDT) and the ability to create shaded percentile curves as shown in the image.
- New statistical slot options for exceedance calculations and distribution fitting.
- Improved Export Copy options for data in slots and SCTs.
- New RPL functions and operators for LIST computations.
- Improvements to the scripting interfaces and script variable options.
- A new RiverSMART Batch Mode allowing scenario simulations through a batch script.
- Many bug and issue fixes.
Please see the for more details about version 9.3.

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