New RiverWare Version 8.4

We are pleased to announce the newest RiverWare release, version 8.4 is now available.
Highlights of this new RiverWare release include:
- A new Window Layout Manager to save and reload the size and position of many RiverWare windows.
- Improved Git integration - the Model and RPL Set Comparison Tools can now directly access models and RPL sets from a commit in a Git repository.
- The ability to limit the precision of values exported by Database DMIs.
- New timestep range specification in Control File-Executable DMIs.
- Multiple levels of Execute Script actions (i.e. sub-scripts) in the Script Manager.
- Many usability improvements to the Script Editor and Dashboard.
- Improved functionality when moving or copying groups of slots.
- Many bug and issue fixes.
See the for more information about the release or look at the RiverWare .
For more information about RiverWare, check out our Creative Works page or email Ìý
Categories: News