New RiverWare Version 7.5

Highlights of RiverWare version 7.5 include:
- A new DMI connection to Excel, in which Excel does not open in the background; this new behavior is the default, but the old connection is still available
- New browser-based user documentation system
- In the Model Comparison Tool, links and DMIconfigurations are now compared.
- New RPL RoundToFactor predefined function
- Addition of a script action to Open File
- Modification to the Set Slot Value script actions to set the slot to the result of a RPL function
- New Alt Units button on slots and SCTs to toggle between flows and volumes
- Modifications to the workspace, including a new compact mode, improvements to the toolbar, and an operation to Send Workspace to Back of other dialogs
- Improvements to the TableLookup RPL predefined function
See the for more information.
Categories: News