- Focused professional education and experiences have produced generations of real estate talent. Michael Kercheval, executive director of CUREC, at the 25th Annual Real Estate Forum earlier this year. Below, Koelbel Alumni Award winner Richard
- Leeds won praise from students and employers for its new, more personalized approach to career fairs.
- Leeds has set aside 50 seats in an executive education program for graduates of a real estate diversity program.
- The latest quarterly survey of Colorado business leaders may indicate we're nearing the bottom, but that's one of the few hopeful signs in the report.
- The centers finally moved in together this fall, after years of separate residences. Center directors, from left to right: Mike Kercheval (CUREC), Kathryn Wendell (CESR), Brian Lewandowski (BRD) and Sheila Duffy (Burridge).
- Download The Leeds Business Confidence Index (LBCI) Q4 2022 Colorado business leaders expressed pessimism ahead of Q4 2022, recording the fourth-lowest index in the 20-year history of the Leeds Business Confidence
- The Class of 2026 at Leeds is among the largest, most academically gifted and culturally diverse on record.
- Years of rich connections and experiences at Burridge have altered countless student futures. Burridge Center for Finance Program Director Matt Fleming, Associate Dean for Business & Government Relations Rich Wobbekind, Dick Burridge Jr., and
- For the fifth consecutive year, Leeds is ranked in the top 25 public schools by U.S. News & World Report.
- Alumni and faculty experts offer unique insights in venture capital, digital transformation, real estate and more.​ CEOs, venture capitalists, economic forecasters and thought leaders are packing the lineup for what promises to be an exciting second