Faces of Leeds
- Whether he’s running half-marathons or speaking in front of hundreds, Josh Cagwin (Acct’27) never stops advocating for people who, like him, live with Crohn’s disease.
- An interest in advocacy work fostered transformative experiences for Lauren Hanley (MSBA’24), including earning a prestigious international scholarship for her work promoting women’s rights.
- Both a Leeds alumna and staff member, Kate Minnihan (Mgmt’18) specializes in helping others live authentically—a quest she understands, thanks to the many turns her path has taken.
- From place to place, career to career, Regina Koetters has done a lot in her life. Now she's excited to be in real estate development helping create great places to live and work.
- After exploring different fields, including military service, Rob La Trobe decided to pursue dual master's degrees at Leeds, leading to his current "dream job" as a strategic sourcing analyst.
- Kate Nam (Fin, Acct'26) won first place in the TEDxCU Student Voices Competition, taking the spotlight as a featured speaker at the 2024 event and cementing her desire to keep using her voice for good.
- Danny Goldman strives to bring the real world of real estate into the classroom, encouraging students to keep building their foundation of knowledge and applying it outside the classroom.
- Years after graduating, Lindsey Hoffman still hasn’t forgotten the important skills Leeds classes taught her.
- From her very first year, Kaela Gero wanted to make an impact on other students. Now a senior, she is one of the recipients of this year’s CU Student Leaders of the Year.