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Mrudhula Rapaka (MBA,MBusAn’26)

Mrudhula Rapaka show taking a smiling selfie in a polaroid-style frame

Faces of Leeds Snapshot

Name: Mrudhula Rapaka
Hometown:Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
Major: Master of Business Administration and Master’s in Business Analytics

The summer of 2024 was a memorable one forMrudhula Rapaka (MBA/MBusAn’26): She made a momentous move fromIndia to 91 to pursue an MBA and a master’s degree in business analytics.

“I’m a mother, an entrepreneur and am currently pursuing a dual degree—all while living thousands of miles away from my 1-year-old baby. Managing these roles simultaneously is a considerable challenge, but it’s a reflection of my dedication and resilience.”