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Game created by Whaaat!? Lab co-directors selected for coveted GDC showcase

Three players with hands on analog phones play the game Buy! Sell!.
A game developed by ATLASSenior Instructor and TAM Program DirectorMatt Bethancourt, his partner, Lisa Bethancourt, and ATLAS Instructor Danny Rankinwill exhibitat alt.ctrl.GDC, a coveted showcase of alternative game controller schemes and interactions that happensduring the world's largest professional game developer's conference held in San Francisco, March 16-20.

Buy! Sell!, created underthe Bethancourts' creative firm, Mouse & the Billionaire, isone of 21 games to beexhibited atthe 2020 Game Developer's Conference (GDC).Thefast-paced, multi-player, stock-trading game uses analog telephones as game controllers, and players watch a terminal full of charts, graphs and breaking news tomake split-second decisions whether tobuy or sell stocks like, pizza, candy and gold. The goal is to dial the phone number for a stock and shout “Buy!” or “Sell!” before competitors; transactions affect the stock prices, and the player with the largest portfolio at the end of the trading day wins.

Matt Bethancourt and Rankinalso co-directthe ATLAS ³󲹲!?,which explores new ways to "bring more delight to the world through games and experimental interactions." Two years agothe two also started the Whaaat!? festival in order to "geek-out with a group of like-minded game developers." This year the event attracted250 participants, and 5280 magazine designatedit as an "Editor's Pick" inits"Best things to do in Colorado in October" listing.