The Conversation
- Since Eisenhower, every sitting U.S. president has attended the breakfast at least once during his term.
- A similar complexity appears in the history of early Christianity in how religion functioned, both in terms of rituals and in the use of the Latin term it derives from.
- Pence’s religious and political biography mirrors key political and religious shifts over the past 40 years.
- Stronger Antarctic leadership is urgently needed to safeguard the Southern Ocean—and beyond.Two-thirds of the world’s oceans fall outside national jurisdictions – they belong to no one and everyone.These international waters, known as the high
- As religious services went online to protect congregants from the coronavirus, a paradox emerged: Worshipers were connected via the internet to a potentially wide community, but it felt like a more private affair.
- Protecting the peninsula is the most pressing priority due to rising threatsAntarctica, the world’s last true wilderness, has been protected by an international treaty for the last 60 years. But the same isn’t true for most of the ocean surrounding
- Martin Luther King did not call for violence, but said “peace is not merely the absence of this tension, but the presence of justice"
- We know the virus has a deadly impact on the human body. But its impact on our mental health may be deadly too.
- Armed with this level of performance, a new generation of microwave timekeeping opens the door for many scientific and technological advancesTime and frequency standards are a key part of technologies we have come to rely on in our daily lives, from