
  • Julian Saporiti
    As an Asian-American kid growing up in Nashville, Julian Saporiti struggled to find connections to people who looked like him, who shared his origin story.
  • Grauman Collection at AMRC
    Rodney Sauer, founder of Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra, donates to the AMRC nearly 4,000 musical scores from silent film era L.A. music theaters, most of them from the early 20th-century Grauman theater chain.
  • No-No Boy
    No-No Boy’s Julian Saporiti and Emilia Halvorson visit 91¸£ÀûÉç for a week-long residency on campus in October to share their work with students and faculty about Japanese American internment camp survivors and their stories.
  • No-No Boy
    AMRC welcomes to campus No-No Boy, Dr. Dwandalyn R. Reece from the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Grammy Award-winner, Dom Flemons, Cuban guitarist Luis Barbería, the Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra and others for its biggest (yet) offering of fall events.
  • Glenn Miler Festival 2019
    Visitors and entertainers from around the world converged in Clarinda, Iowa, the Birthplace of Glenn Miller, to celebrate the music and memory of Alton Glenn Miller. The world famous Glenn Miller Orchestra was among the many bands helping to celebrate the occasion.
  • Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra
    Susan Thomas introduces a special screening of The Daughter of Dawn, accompanied by live music from the Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra (Dir. Rodney Sauer) at the International Film Series. March 18th, 2019.
  • Persevering Legacy performers
    The inaguaral Persevering Legacy event hosted by the College of Music's Diverse Musicians Alliance, the AMRC, and the 91¸£ÀûÉç Museum attracts 9news coverage with their work in Wikipedia and a performance of music from the AMRC's Hellen Walker-Hill collection.
  • josh Kun
    KGNU's Indra Raj interviews Josh Kun on January 24, 2019 as part of his visit to 91¸£ÀûÉç to deliver his public talk, "The Art of the Crossfade: Music, Archives, and California" on CU campus. 
  • Glenn Miller
    The mystery surrounding the disappearance of wartime musician Glenn Miller's aircraft crash could be a step closer to being solved, 74 years after the jazz star's disappearance.
  • Leonard Bernstein
    As 20th century American composers go, only a handful of names rise to the level of a Mozart or Beethoven for those outside the classical music world. This fall, the College of Music joins a worldwide celebration of one of them as it puts on CU Bernstein at 100...
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