
  • Larry Abbott, Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute, Columbia UniversityHow flies do vector computationsMany tasks, especially those associated with movement and navigation, require the manipulation of vectors.  I will describe
  • Greg Chini, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of New HampshireMixing Hot and Cold with SoundThe study of acoustic streaming, in which the nonlinear interaction of time-periodic sound waves of small amplitude ∈ drives O(∈^2) time-mean
  • Orit Peleg, Department of Computer Science, 91¸£ÀûÉçPhysical Computation in Insect SwarmsOur world is full of living creatures that must share information to survive and reproduce. As humans, we easily forget how hard it is to
  • Nalini Joshi, Department of Applied Mathematics, The University of Sydney, New South Wales, AustraliaMotion and monodromyNewton was inspired by Kepler’s laws of planetary motion to study motion on curves. This led him immediately to transcendental
  • Lisa Fauci, Department of Mathematics, Tulane UniversityBuckling, mixing, swimming, dissolving:  adventures with helices at the microscale.The motion of passive or actuated elastic filaments in a fluid environment is a common element in many
  • Eduardo Corona, Department of Applied Mathematics, 91¸£ÀûÉçA crash course in boundary integral methods with applications to Stokesian suspensionsBoundary integral methods consist on re-formulating PDE boundary value problems in
  • Margaret Cheney, Department of Mathematics at Colorado State University, will talk, "Passive Source Localization"This talk introduces the problem of localizing electromagnetic sources from measurements of their radiated fields at two moving
  • Leslie Greengard, Courant Department of Mathematics, New York UniversityAdaptive methods for the simulation of diffusion and fluid flow in complex geometries We will review the state of the art in integral equation methods for the solution of the
  • John Bush, Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)Hydrodynamic quantum analogsIn 2005, Yves Couder and Emmanuel Fort discovered that droplets walking on a vibrating fluid bath exhibit several features previously
  • Doug Nychka, Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Colorado School of MinesFlorian Gerber, Department of Biostatistics, University of ZurichClimate models, large spatial datasets, and harnessing deep learning for a statistical
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