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Dynamical Systems Seminar: Anthony Rasca

Modeling Solar Wind Mass-Loading Due to Dust in the Solar Corona

Applied Mathematics,Ìý

Date and time:Ìý

Thursday, October 24, 2013 - 2:00pm


ECCR 257


Collisionless mass-loading was first discussed to describe interactions between the solar wind and cometary atmospheres. Recent observations have led to an increased interest in coronal mass-loading due to sungrazing comets and collisional debris by sunward-migrating interplanetary dust particles. Using 3D MHD simulations with a modified Solar Corona (SC) component of the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF) we show the impact on the solar wind from abrupt mass-loading in the coronal region. We also use the model as an application for a mass-loaded coronal wind due to a cometary source, which helps predict the impacts on solar wind acceleration and composition from past and upcoming sungrazing comets.