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Comprehensive Exam: Nathan D. Monnig

Extension Problems in Manifold Learning and Network Analysis

Nathan D. Monnig

Applied Mathematics,Ìý

Date and time:Ìý

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 - 1:00pm


ECOT 226 (APPM Conference Room)


Out-of-sample extension problems arise throughout all types of machine learning applications: after
computing a function on a discrete dataset, the user must generalize the function to new inputs in the
domain. This function could be as simple as a binary classication, or more complex such as a general
bi-Lipschitz mapping between two metric spaces. In some cases the extension is explicitly provided by the
algorithm, as in the case of linear regression. In other cases, the algorithm that computes the mapping for
the data provides no such extension procedure, and an approximation must be developed. In this work, we
provide solutions to extension problems in manifold learning and the spectral analysis of networks.
Nonlinear dimensionality reduction embeddings computed from datasets typically lack a mechanism to
compute the out-of-sample extension. For spectral nonlinear embeddings, a commonly used approximation
scheme is the Nystrom extension. Since these types of mappings are typically only computed for a nite set of
data points, the inverse map is also only dened on these data. In this presentation, we address the problem
of computing a stable inverse map to such a general bi-Lipschitz map, as published in [1]. Our approach
relies on radial basis functions (RBFs) to interpolate the inverse map everywhere on the low-dimensional
image of the forward map. We demonstrate that the scale-free cubic RBF kernel performs better than the
Gaussian kernel: it does not suer from ill-conditioning, and does not require the choice of a scale. The
proposed construction is shown to be similar to the Nystrom extension of the eigenvectors of the symmetric
normalized graph Laplacian matrix. Based on this observation, we provide a new interpretation of the
Nyström extension with suggestions for improvement.
Similar out-of-sample problems arise in the analysis of large networks. For example, when querying a
portion of an online social network, one is often left with an incomplete adjacency matrix. In particular,
many nodes will appear which are connected to in-sample nodes, but for which we do not know the full
adjacency list. The Nystrom extension can be used to extend the dominant eigenvector/eigenvalue pairs
from the fully-sampled submatrix to the out-of-sample portion of the adjacency matrix. However, it is
known that the eigenvalues are not accurately recovered by this method. As an alternative, we propose a
general edge prediction scheme to approximate the full adjacency matrix. Similar to other edge prediction
schemes in the literature, the method is based on the number of common neighbors. However, unlike other
methods, the algorithm explicitly estimates the probability of an edge between a pair of out-of-sample nodes,
based on the observed statistics of the in-sample subnetwork. This exibility allows the algorithm to adapt
to various latent network topologies.

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